Our mission is the creation
of genuine friendships!

We encourage your creation
of a deep & natural friendship with yourself,
with other people, and with nature! 

© Heroic Living Nonprofit



(1) Discovering and Honoring Your Life Passion — The key to enjoying your life!

Your life passion is what you most enjoy about being alive, the gift you have to give to others, your unique way of viewing the world, and the heart or center of your personal energy.

(2) Sharing Your Vision with Others  — The key to changing the behavior of other people!

Sharing your vision motivates others to take action, builds community and cooperation, adds value, creates something new, and changes the world.

(3) Welcoming the Help of Your Monsters Your monsters are ‘anything’ that bothers you or interferes with your life!

Your monsters are “your allies or helpers.” They are the key to your discovering your hidden skills and abilities, accessing the information you need when you need it, and they can give you the confidence and courage you need to journey into new territory and do things that you have not done before.

(4) Making Your Contribution to the World The key to living in full partnership with yourself, other people, and the earth!

The ‘act of sharing’ your unique gifts with others puts your ‘life passion’ into action choosing the ways in which you fit into the world.